What does the end of the year look like for you? Is it all about the holidays and family and celebration? Or do you like to focus on the new year coming? If you like to reflect on the past and make goals for the future, you probably like to set New Year’s resolutions. If you love setting resolutions, but you struggle with sticking with them, maybe you should consider getting a resolutions partner. But who will join you? I know! Your dog. That’s right! By being your “partner in crime” is how your dog can help with your New Year’s resolutions.
Your resolutions can be far more successful once you get your dog on board. Are you curious to learn how your dog can help with your healthy New Year’s resolutions? Read on to see all of the ways that your dog can help you and the ways that you can help your dog too!
How your dog can help with your healthy New Year’s resolutions
Did you know that January 19th is known (unofficially) as “Quitters Day”? That’s because a huge portion of people who start New Year’s resolutions stop on or before that particular day. Your dog can help you to avoid being part of the Quitters Day celebrations. This new year, let’s not be among the 80% of us who abandon New Year’s resolutions!
A simple google search can show you that there are countless tips on how you can stick with your New Year’s resolutions, but most of them miss out on the best tip of all—include your dog!
You can get active together
If you have resolved to become more active and to exercise more, your dog will make the perfect partner. Dogs require physical activity for them to be as healthy (mentally and physically) as possible. Physical activity can keep your dog at the right weight, can help them build a strong heart, and can even prevent them from destroying your home and/or personal items out of boredom. You getting active can do wonderful things for your physical and mental health as well. So grab that leash and head out together. It’s a win win!
You can eat healthier together
I bet this title took you by surprise, didn’t it? The reality is that you can definitely use this opportunity to develop a healthier diet by involving your dog. Lean proteins such as fish, beef, and chicken along with vegetables such as carrots, green beans, and broccoli are great for you and your dog. You can start cooking them up and feeding them to both of you for dinner. It’s a known fact that eating fresh food is great for dogs, so by incorporating these healthy foods into your diet you can easily do the same for them!
You can learn new skills together
Are you wanting to build your knowledge and learn a new skill in the new year? You can do this with your pup too! How about teaching your dog a new trick? In order to teach them, you have to first teach yourself how to go about the lessons with them. You then need to spend time with your dog working with him or her to learn this fun new skill. Doing this will be fun for your dog, fun to show friends, and you’ll feel great knowing that you are the one that taught your dog this new skill.
You can just relax together
Okay, okay, so your dog can’t exactly read to you or with you, but they do make really great cuddling partners! If your New Year’s resolution is to find more ways to relax and mentally decompress, your pup will be onboard to help. You can grab a good book and your favorite blanket and cozy up with your furry friend to relax and read. They’ll love the time and contact with you and their soft snoring or breathing will help get you relaxed and comfortable for a calm reading session.
Will working on resolutions together benefit my dog?
Every one of the activities on this list will benefit you and your dog. Not only will they benefit your physical and mental health, but you will also find that the bonding time that you and your dog have together will bring you even closer. Building that relationship with your dog is beneficial to keeping them happy and content as well.
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