Fun facts about German Shepherds

fun facts about German Shepherds

We all know just how amazing German Shepherds are. Anyone who has any experience with German Shepherds has likely witnessed their intelligence and loyalty. Plus, I may be a little biased, but I will say that I think that German Shepherds are among the most beautiful dogs on the planet. Truthfully though, you might not know just how amazing they are. In addition to all of the things that we know and love about these dogs, here are some amazing and fun facts you may not know about German Shepherds.


Fun facts about German Shepherds

They are among the most popular dogs in the United States

For decades, German Shepherds have been in the top 10 spots on the most popular dogs in America list and for over a decade they held the number two spot, until 2020 when they were knocked down to number three. This is the reason that you see these gorgeous dogs so often!


It’s German Shepherd Dog, of course

The official name of this breed is German Shepherd Dog. The “father” of the German Shepherd, Max von Stephanitz, didn’t want the dog to be confused with German citizens who were shepherds, so he felt it necessary to add “dog” to the end of their official name.


Some of the most famous silent film stars were German Shepherds

In the 1920s and 1930s, silent films and its stars were all the rage. Did you know though that there were a few German Shepherds that were so famous, so successful that they made more money than some of their human counterparts! Rin Tin Tin, for example, was in over 25 films and was earning a salary of over $6,000 per week (that’s $80,000 in today’s dollars)! 


German Shepherds made great soldiers during WWI and WWII

While German Shepherds were only used by the German army during WWI, they were used by many other countries during WWIl. They were primarily used as messengers which, to me, says a lot about their abilities. 


They require more exercise than most other dog breeds

While most dog breeds do require plenty of exercise, German Shepherds require 90 minutes of exercise daily in order to be healthy. That is more than most other dog breeds. You’ll find that if you exercise your dog the appropriate amount of time, they will be happy, healthy, and content. 


They have super hero level sniffers

Dogs have millions more scent detectors than humans do, which is why they are so great at helping humans in fields such as law enforcement, search and rescue, and military. 


Old German Shepherds have their own club

If you have a German Shepherd that has celebrated their 12th birthday, it’s time to sign them up for German Shepherd Thirteen (13) clubs. You and they will then be honored with a certificate and even get a mention on Shepherd News web pages. 


They have a global association dedicated to them

German Shepherds have a global association dedicated to them and they are one of the few dog breeds that do. 


German Shepherds are BIG dogs

They are a large dog breed. You will find that they average in weight from 50 to 100 pounds, sometimes even bigger. 


They are known by two names

There was a lot of anti-German sentiment after WWII and the name “German Shepherd” was not exactly ideal. This is why German Shepherds came to be known as Alsatians in the United Kingdom. As a matter of fact, “German” was dropped by the AKC for a time as well. Although they did reinstate it later. 


They have 11 recognized colors

The German Shepherd has 11 officially recognized colors. Some of these colors (blue, white, liver), disqualify them from dog breed shows. Although working and agility class competitions still allow them. 


They are amazing family dogs

Yes, they are strong working dogs. Yes, they can be courageous military and law enforcement dogs. In addition, though, German Shepherd dogs make excellent family dogs. It’s worth noting that the loyalty and protectiveness that these dogs are known for can make them quite protective of their family members. 


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