Fun facts about Australian Shepherds and Boxers

fun facts about Australian Shepherds

For those that may not know, Dylan is an Australian Shepherd and Boxer mix (with a bunch of other breeds mixed in there) and what a fun mix that is! To celebrate this wonderful mix of mine, I thought I’d chat a little bit about some fun facts that you may not know about Australian Shepherds and Boxers. 

While mixed breed dogs are their own kind of unique, I love knowing that there’s a little bit of these fun facts from each breed in my special pup. In all honesty, I could go on and on and on about interesting and fun facts from both of these breeds, but these are just some of the ones that I found the most interesting. 


Fun facts about Australian Shepherds and Boxers

Australian Shepherds

First, let’s learn some fun facts about Australian Shepherds. If you already have an Australian Shepherd, you may already know some of these facts, but it’s always fun to relearn things!


They are not from Australia

The most interesting thing to me about Australian Shepherds, is that, they are in fact, not even from Australia. They likely originated from Spain (the Basque region, specifically). Spanish shepherds who immigrated to Australia brought their dogs along with them. These shepherds then moved on to the United States with their dogs. It is at this point that they became known as the Australian Shepherd. 

As a matter of fact, the United States is the only place that the Australian Shepherd is bred. 


Australian Shepherds often have multi-colored eyes

Australian Shepherds are one of four dog breeds that are often found to have heterochromia. This means that their eyes can be two or more different colors. This can mean that each eye is a different color, or that even one eye can be multi-colored.


They became famous from rodeos

The rodeo is where Australian Shepherds get their fame. They are great herding dogs so they were often used to herd cattle at the rodeo. Additionally, Australian Shepherds are relatively easy to train to do tricks, which brought laughter and joy to rodeo attendees!


They need to have a job to do

Australian Shepherds are working dogs and very smart. They literally need to have a job to do everyday. Maybe it’s getting the paper, maybe it’s running outdoors with other pets. They need the mental stimulation that comes with doing a job. Giving your Australian Shepherd a job to do will keep them from destructive, bored behavior.


They may become your shadow

They can be like velcro—sticking to their favorite person everywhere they go! 



Now let’s talk about Boxers! If you have a Boxer, you may already know many of these facts, but I am betting you don’t know them all. There are just so many interesting things to learn about these great dogs. 


They come by their name honestly

Rumor has it that the Boxer got its name from their playful stance of standing on their back legs while moving their front paws in boxing-type motion. 


Despite their name, Boxers are all about peace and love

Boxers are happiest when they are in a loving family and they really, really love children! Boxers are patient and kind and love to be loved by their humans. 


Boxer ancestry dates back thousands of years

While the modern boxer was originally bred from the English Bulldog and the German Bullbeiser (a now extinct breed), one of the Boxers ancestors is the ancient Molossor dog, which dates back over 2,000 years. They were bred to be working dogs, including guard dogs, and they take their job seriously—they can be very protective of their family.   


And the longest tongue belongs to…

The world record of the longest canine tongue belongs to a Boxer named Brandy that lived with her family in Michigan until her passing in 2002. Are you curious as to how long her tongue actually was? It was an astounding 43 cm or almost 17 inches!


Boxers need variety

Boxers can become bored very easily. If you have a boxer, be sure to offer a variety of toys and activities for them to do daily. Making sure to keep them active and busy with new and various tasks will keep them healthy too! Their funny, inquisitive nature means they love to be silly and to play games. 


Boxers eat. A LOT.

If you are hoping for a dog that is cool with you putting out a bowl of food each day and calling it good, you are not going to get that with a Boxer. A Boxer, as a puppy, requires four feedings per day and even adult Boxers need at least 2–3 feedings per day. 


Boxers were favorites of a famous movie star couple

Are you a fan of classic Hollywood? If so, you may know that the famous Hollywood couple Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall were lovers of Boxers. They received one as a wedding gift and even welcomed two more boxers into their family during their marriage. 


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